Just one request this week. Before you celebrate the founding of our nation this weekend, take this step to help save democracy: sign up to draw your community of interest map. https://bit.ly/MapPlay.

One hour is all we ask. Your map will be “baked into” the maps created by the People’s Maps Commission. YOU will be a part of a statewide — no, a national — effort to return power to the people. We will schedule your map time as soon as possible. But just signing up to draw a map is a patriot act, and will empower your 4th of July weekend. Please do it now: https://bit.ly/MapPlay.

Then prepare for our real live in person picnic 5:30 PM Monday, July 12. Picnic Area 2 at Brown Deer Park. Bring whatever you want to share. What shows up was meant to be there. We will announce how many maps we have drawn. How many will that be? Only time — and your actions – will tell.

Need more motivation to act? Read team member Marcia Kaminski’s fabulous Letters to the Editor in the Ozaukee Press and Ozaukee News Graphic. As Marcia says, “Preserving democracy takes work, but it is so worth your effort.” Thanks, Marcia, for the pep talk! Link to Ozaukee News Graphic letter.

Categories: Take Action