Three quick bullets this week:

  • Time’s running short. We want as many Community of Interest Maps drawn by the end of July!  Sign up now. One hour makes you part of a statewide — no, a national — effort to return power to the people. Want to see how it’s done? Here is a great video showing volunteers mapping Wisconsin
  • Picnic recap: We had a dozen or so stalwarts who said “heck that rain that wasn’t supposed to happen but did has passed and we’re gonna picnic!” gathered for food and conversation Monday. A good time was had by all, with not a drop of rain! We’re moving into a new phase for Fair Maps – we’ll be getting outside canvassing and more, another chance to bond. And get those fitness steps. And be heard. And make a difference. More soon.
  • Our next meeting is August 9. It will be a movie panel night. More next week!
Categories: Take Action