If you missed Monday’s meeting — “The Maps Go to Court” with Professor Robert Yablon — you missed a great program. But do not despair, you can access the video HERE and the slide deck HERE.
Today, briefs and proposed maps were filed with the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Each party is bound by the WI Supreme Court’s rule: make the “least changes” to the existing maps. See the Wisconsin Examiner’s excellent coverage of the matter. You can find many of the pleadings at https://www.wicourts.gov/courts/supreme/origact/2021ap1450.htm.
As mentioned at Monday’s meeting, the citizen group Wisconsin Map Assessment Project (WIMAP – pronounced “We-Map”) will be reviewing the pleadings as well as the maps that were submitted. WIMAP plans to file an amicus curiae brief to present the Court with WIMAP’s findings. NSFM co-leads Cheryl Maranto and Debbie Patel are part of WIMAP.
Stay tuned for more!
Meanwhile, North Shore Fair Maps encourages you to
- Join with Governor Evers and tell (and keep telling) Senators Johnson and Baldwin to pass the Freedom to Vote Act.
- Over the holidays, approach two friends or family members who may not be up to speed on the ills of gerrymandering. Have a deep conversation, or introduce them to fun with Kirstin Brey‘s “My Take” and/or Wisconsin Public Radio’s informative series called Mapped Out. Go ahead, give it a go.