This week’s Alert was held up because there is a lot going on and that slowed down the Fair Maps Coalition newsletter, a must read! Find it HERE.

Take Action:

  1. Contact your Legislators — no matter their political party — and tell them you support Governor Evers’ veto of the gerrymandered maps. Easy to do at
  2. For folks in Rob Brooks’ district — if you got Brooks’ treatise supporting the gerrymandered maps, read the responses in the Fair Maps Coalition newsletter. Now may be the time to write a letter to the editor (LTE) and send it to the Ozaukee News Graphic or Ozaukee Press? And whether you live in Brooks’ district or not, the GOP are all playing from the same play book, you may find a good response to YOUR representatives or an LTE idea in the newsletter. We have folks happy to help if you want to write an LTE, just hit reply.
  3. Make sure our 7PM Monday December 13 virtual meeting is in your calendar: “The Maps Go to Court!” Details to come. Register at

Finally, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, probably no Alert next week…. but no promises…. 😉

Debbie Patel


“My Take” with Kristin Brey is fun and informative –

Yesterday’s “Redistricting and Gerrymandering” webinar was a fabulous discussion of what may happen next. Here’s a link to watch it:

If you missed it earlier, at our last meeting we tackled the fact that “We Are Part of Something Bigger.” The meeting had fair maps updates, then we moved on to a discussion with Jeff Mandell (Law Forward) and Lizzie Ulmer (States United Democracy Center) about the attack on elections and voting rights in Wisconsin and beyond.

Categories: Take Action